2022 is in the rearview mirror. Normally, I don’t think too much about the passing of a year, but this year, which in my mind is blended with 2021, was one that I couldn’t get through fast enough. Why? I don’t really have an answer to that, but for whatever reason, I am grateful and eager to push on through the day, and put myself and all around me in positions of success and happiness. This past year, we made a career change, we moved 1200 miles, changed schools, traveled a whole lot to see incredible sites, walked the passage ways of Jerusalem , blessed ourselves with live music, celebrated a 20 year anniversary, turned 50, added another 4 legged family member in Mollie Midnight Rider Touch of Grey, skied for the first time, camped as a family for the first time, rode in a helicopter for the first time, and I’m sure many more new experiences that my brain cannot remember right now. On to 2023… I think Duane Allman said it best. “This year I will be more thoughtful of my fellow man, exert more effort in each of my my endeavors, professionally as well as personally. Take love wherever I find it, and offer it to everyone who will take it. In this coming year I will seek knowledge from those wiser than me and try to teach those who wish to learn from me. I love being alive and I will be the best man I possibly can.” I think I’ll just leave it at that. Fare thee well 2022